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How and why to get a legit ESA Certificate?

Studies revealed that when we bond with an animal, our body releases happy hormones and we become more capable to handle stressful situations. That’s why depressed people are often recommended to own a pet as part of the treatment.

However, the sad truth is that pet ownership can also be the underlying cause of your anxiety. Many airlines discourage traveling with a pet and you may also find it difficult to get the accommodation benefits if you are with your furry friend.

Benefits ofgetting your pet certified as ESA

ESA certificate is the only way you can take your high-maintenance companion to an area that follow a “no-pets” policy. The certification is given by licensed professionals to legally help people overcome certain mental and physiological disabilities. There are two types of legal protections that you receive when you get ESA letter:

  • You can get an ESA letter for travel, which means you can legally fly with your pet

    • You can also get an ESA letter for housing to qualify for no-pet housing

These two legal protections can give you endless benefits. When you get ESA letter, you can take your furry friend everywhere without any discrimination. You can avail the benefits of pet fee exemptions at public places. The ability to be with your buddy, at places restricted for pets, gives you the solace you need to overcome certain stigma. ESA improves self worth which ultimately relievesthe symptoms of persistent depression and other disorders like OCD, PTSD, and disability of motor skills or learning.

How to getESA certificate for dogs and cats?

The World Health Report by WHO revealed that one in every four people is dealing with certain kinds of mental issues and looking for ways to alleviate the symptoms. Before it gets too late to cure your behavioural disorders, you should get yourself a pet. And, for hassle free pet ownership, it is recommended to apply for ESA certificate for travel and housing.

Only a licensed mental health professional can write you an ESA letter. It is a sort of a pet permit that confirms the federal and state laws and allows a person with a certain disability

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